Bringing WebRTC To WebKit

WebRTC is a set of browser APIs and protocols being worked on by the W3C and IETF standardization bodies. With WebRTC, developers can quickly add real-time peer-2-peer audio, video and data capabilities to their web applications through a set of standardised JavaScript APIs.

WebKit today lacks support for this exciting new standard. Our intention is to add WebRTC support to WebKit, starting with the WebKit GTK+ port (Linux), by means of the OpenWebRTC implementation. Much of the WebRTC support will be implemented in the core of WebKit and therefore shared among all WebKit ports. This will also enable integration of other WebRTC backends such as

The purpose of this website is to describe our intentions and to invite people that would like to contribute to join us in this effort.

The initiative is initially supported by Ericsson, Quotex India, Igalia, Mines, Centricular, and Dr Alex Gouaillard. This website and its blog is maintained by Ericsson Research, Dr. Alex Gouaillard and John from

Dark Light

WebKitGTK+ and Chrome WebRTC Interop

The process to upstream an RTCPeerConnection implementation, based on OpenWebRTC, to WebKit is under way. We are starting…

Upstream of RTCPeerConnection started

RTCPeerConnection is the main object in WebRTC for sending media and data peer-to-peer. The API is constantly evolving…

Updated MediaStream API Upstreamed

The MediaStream API, with its primary interfaces MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack, is the glue of the WebRTC APIs. You…

Mid-April Updates!

This blog post is long overdue. As WebRTC Expo is about to begin in Miami, I thought it…

Bringing WebRTC to WebKit

For years now, the WebRTC developers and users community has been asking for support for WebRTC on more…